A close up natural history shot. Not very different, you may think, but such shots can be very successful. There are numerous problems to taking close up pictures. Lighting is not the least and good strong light is needed in order to get a fast shutter speed AND a small aperture - no camera shake and maximum depth of field. Remember, at full size on the negative, 1:1, at an aperture of f22, the depth of field will only be a few millimeters - possibly 5 or 6. It is often not possible to get all of a subject sharp regardless of what a judge says. That is why I use flash - a flash bracket with two guns in this case, using a known standard exposure arrived at from test exposures. Flash also gives a fast shutter speed in effect - it's own duration ! This shot was taken in a butterfly farm. The heat and humidity in there can damage your camera. I NEVER open the camera back inside the hot house. I change film and lenses outside, then go back in. I also allow time for the lens, protected by a UV filter OF COURSE, to clear of condensation naturally.